Volume 1 of  a YA book trilogy   

by David Marsh.

On a dying overpopulated world, eleven year-old Samdan might be  the great hope.  But the rebel guardians who’ve protected him and instructed him on the ways of alchemy must send him far away, to a place where the corporate chairman can never reach him.  

Sometimes the best laid plans go awry.

“The Alchemist, Cables”  85,000 words, YA/NA, is a tale that unfolds on two worlds, present day Earth and on an overcrowded, human-inhabited world known as M run by a wolfish corporation

In a Scottish hospital, a boy wakes from a coma. He has no prior memories. He doesn’t know his name. Because no one comes to collect him, he’s thought to be an orphan. He even speaks a language the best linguisticians cannot identify.

Six years pass. Now seventeen, he knows himself as Jack because it’s what they named him in the Scottish hospital. He thinks he’s ordinary, a pacifist who’d sooner carry a bug outside than stomp on it. 

But on a steamy night on a Los Angeles boulevard, two bikers with futuristic weapons will try to kill Jack, and it will spark first memories and he’ll stagger onto the doorstep of his best friend, bruised and blooded, and confess he’s had to kill two people. Then he’ll blurt a fantastical tale of war and resistance and alchemy, and he’ll swear it’s not a tale but real life on another world.  

 Jack must now resolve his two identities: an adopted American who loves football, protein drinks, and cats, and his true self, a fledgling, reluctant, freedom-fighting alchemist from a world where many believe he’s the reborn, capable of reinstating balance.

“The Alchemist” is for light sci-fi and fantasy buffs who can appreciate magical realism in contemporary settings alongside a vastly different human-inhabited world, where a villainous corporate ruler is laying plans to invade Earth. 

 I am a Londoner living in Kauai, Hawaii. Previously I penned the screenplays “The Lords of Magick,” and “Stormswept,” and I’ve self published a non-fiction book,”Confessions of a Car Sales Manager.” I’m currently working on Book 2 of “The Alchemist Cables.

 Thank you for taking the time to read my query.

  Copyright © January 2024 David Marsh